Sunday, June 30, 2013

chateau de bourgane

chateau de bourgane (oil on wood 30cmx30cm) David Atkinson

I painted this a few kilometers away from here at the chateau de Bourgane - it's a very modest chateau with beautiful dilapidated gardens.  I think it has an wonderful atmosphere, and I have painted there quite a lot.  This particular painting was made in a box hedge labyrinth with huge cedars growing up between the hedges.  It gives a fantastic structure of verticals and horizontals that provide a huge range of painting possibilities.


  1. I love the simplicity of your composition , it is very striking.

  2. True, Syls, having been there I think David has more than well caught the feeling of Chateau de Bourgane. For some reason this is a place where I just want to sit down and read a book :-)

  3. Have been watching the Tour de France highlights each day,but haven't noticed you at the moment,keeping a low profile?

  4. Yes, very low profile. I sent over a colleague for the Tour de France. Apparently she had a room with a view (the Nice leg). Sat by *the*angel* in Goult and thought of you. It's better, but still not right... Have to come back next year and try again. :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Howard - I'm sorry, but I am pretty sure that this painting is sold. I've just this minute come back to the studio after a few days in Berlin. I'll double check tomorrow and let you know for sure. David.
